
Home Tutorial

The following series of pages will show you step-by-step how to create and configure a MoStack, as an introductory tutorial.

We will create a stack that allows you to manage a classic "To Do" list, with the tasks sorted by priority.

For many steps there is a screenshot that shows you what do to, but not for all the steps - please do not only jump from picture to picture, but read the explaining text parts as well. Please also note that the current version of MoStacks might already look slightly different than the version that was used for producing tutorial and screenshots.

Ok, let's start with Step 1: Create the Stack.

The complete list of tutorial steps:
Step 1: Create the Stack
Step 2: Define Fields
Step 3: Define Fields, Continued
Step 4: Create Cards
Step 5: Sort
Step 6: Polish
Step 7: Download

If you don't want to go through the tutorial and build the stack yourself, but want to have a look at it nevertheless, you find it ready-made under the file name Tutorial.MoStack in the Windows program's stack folder.