Card View Menus

To make it hopefully easy to quickly find all the numerous commands that the card view offers, there is the following principle to decide which command goes where: A command that operates on a single object goes into the menu with the same name.

So there is a Stack menu that (mostly) contains commands that do something with the stack as a whole, and a Field menu with commands that somehow relate to a single field, the one that currently has the focus.

The complete list of the menus and commands:

Stack Menu

The Stack menu contains the commands that operate on the current stack as a whole.

Save: Save the stack together with any changes done since opening it into its stack file. The command writes the stack even if there were no changes. It stays in the card view.

Save as: Save the stack into a new file, with a switch to that stack afterwards. Use this command to produce copies and variants of stacks under different names.

Import: Open the Import dialog that allows to import data into the currently loaded stack. (Those imports are still experimental and not yet ready for general use.)

Export: Open the Export dialog that allows to export the data of the current stack (currently only XML format; for other formats, use the Windows programm, as described in chapter Import/Export.)

List view: Switch to the Card List View and position the list of cards to the current card (if it is contained in the currently selected list of cards to show on that view).

Info: Open the Stack Info Dialog which shows info about the current stack and allows you to change the stack description. (With many stacks in use it's a good idea to describe them with the help of the stack description so you always can check which is which.)

Font: Open the Choose Font Dialog for setting the stack font, essentially the "top level" font of a stack (see also Hierarchical Inheritance).

Search: Open the Search Dialog for doing full-text searches over all cards.

Help: Show the online help for the view (a short version of this help text).

Close: Close the stack, with a confirmation dialog asking you save changes, if there are any. Note that there are many other possible changes to a stack beside field value changes and new or deleted cards, like font changes. Also note that so far the burden is mostly on you to save changes, as explained in chapter Editing Stacks.

Background Menu

The Background menu contains commands that operate on the level of whole backgrounds. The target background is the background of the current card. (To deal with backgrounds that currently have no cards, use the corresponding command of the card list view.)

Info: Open the Background Info Dialog to see info about the current background and optionally re-configure it.

Font: Open the Choose Font Dialog for setting the background font that influences all cards of the given background (see also Hierarchical Inheritance).

Field list: Open the Field List View that lists all the fields and controls of the current background and allows to change field properties.

Descriptions: Open the popup menu with a list of field and control names where selecting an entry displays the field description. See also chapter Field Descriptions.

New: Open the Background Info Dialog in "new background mode" to create a new background. (Note that there is no command yet in the UIQ3 program to delete backgrounds. Use the Edit Backgrounds Window of the Windows program to do so.)

Card Menu

The Card menu contains command that operate on the level of whole cards.

Select: Open the Select Card Dialog to be able to select the next current card in various ways.

New: Open the Create New Card Dialog to create a new card.

Delete: Delete the current card, after a confirmation. So far there is no undo; deleted cards are gone for good as soon as you save the stack. MoStacks tries to come up with a sensible choice for the new current card, usually the card immediately after the deleted.

Delete all: Delete all the cards, after a confirmation, essentially leaving an empty stack. So far there is no undo; all cards are gone for good as soon as you save the stack. (Note that according to the command system this command would be better placed in the Stack menu, but that menu is already very large.)

Mark: Mark or unmark a card. Marking is useful for building a subset of "important" cards that you can select in a fast way in the Select Card Dialog. A marked card can also serve as a kind of bookmark within a stack of many cards.

Cut: Cut the current card from the stack, i.e. delete it after putting it into the clipboard. (All 3 commands Cut, Copy and Paste, as they are in the Card menu and not the Field menu, deal with whole cards and not pieces of text.) Pictures, like any other field values, follow the card into the clipboard and can be pasted afterwards as part of the new card.

Copy: Copy the current card into the clipboard without deleting it. (There is no Duplicate command yet for cards, but a Copy followed by a Paste command achieves the same effect.)

Paste: Paste a card from the clipboard (if there is indeed a card in the clipboard). The Create New Card Dialog shown to give you the chance to rename the card to paste and decide about its insert position.

Info: Open the Card Info Dialog that allows you change the name of a card and check information about the card, like the background it belongs to, the time and date of its creation or its last field value change.

Font: Open the Choose Font Dialog to change the font of the current card.

Field Menu

The Field menu contains commands that operate on the level of individual fields and their values. The commands are not available if no field or control currently has the focus. Some commands are only available if a field or control has the focus that supports the corresponding operation.

Cut: Cut the current text selection and put it into the clipboard. Note: The clipboard functions should also work for pictures, but they don't yet.

Copy: Put the currently selected into the clipboard.

Paste: Insert the text in the clipboard into the current text field, at cursor position.

Paste from file: Select a picture file from disk to insert into the current field, if it is a picture field, or in other words, import a picture. Note: This should be extended to allow the import of whole text files into text fields, but isn't yet.

Dial: On a field with the Content is a phone number? flag set (see Edit Controls Window of the Windows program) this command switches with the field content as the telephone number to the telephony application and dials.

Edit wiki: On a text field with the Wiki text? flag set ((see Edit Controls Window of the Windows program) this command opens the Edit Wiki Dialog to let you edit the wiki-syntax "source" text of the currently displayed, interpreted wiki text.

Picture: Depending on the display configuration, this is either a command that opens the Picture sub-menu or just a group heading for the following picture-related commands:

Show: On a picture field, open the Picture View to show as much as possible of a picture with the help of a full-screen view.

Import all: Still experimental, do not use.

Font: Open the Choose Font Dialog to change the font of the current field, the lowest-level font in the hierarchy of fonts. Because of limitations of UIQ3 and/or MoStacks, not all field and control types react properly to setting the font - some just ignore it.

Cmds Menu

The Cmds menu is a dynamic menu, because it lists all the controls of type Command that the current card, or more precisely, its background, contains and that have the Show in menu? menu flag set (see Edit Controls Window of the Windows program). Such commands can either be from a set of Standard Commands, or execute a script (see chapter Scripting).

Go Menu

The Go menu contains commands to change the current card, either among the order of the cards within the stack, or among the history of earlier current cards. These menu commands complement the Navigator (see chapter Card View), where the same commands are more readily available.

First card: Go to the first card of the stack, according to the current order of all cards.

Previous card: Go to the card immediately before the current card, if any.

Next card: Go to the card immediately after the current card, if any.

Last card: Go to the last card of the stack.

Back: Go back to the previously current card, according to the card history, if any.

Forward: Go forward again in the card history, after the the Back command was used.