Edit Cards Window

Home Development System Windows Edit Cards Window

With the Edit Cards window you can view and change information about cards, the third level of the four-level hierarchy of MoStacks. You find more about cards in general in the chapter Cards.

The window uses the Edit Modes system to handle the possibly many cards of the currently selected background, a Modify button to save changes, a New button to create a new card etc.

The following two frames allow you to use any field or control of the stack:

Backgrounds: This list shows all backgrounds of the stack. Selecting/single-clicking an entry switches the list Cards of Background to all card of the corresponding background. (There is no way here to get a total list of cards across all backgrounds, the list is always per-background.)

Double-clicking an entry opens the Edit Backgrounds window.

Card of Background: This is the list of all cards the current background, the one currently selected in the Backgrounds list. Double-clicking an entry displays the corresponding card in the Card View.

The window has the following frames with controls and fields to display and/or change various aspects of the current card, or to specify a new card:

Name: The name of a card is used to identify it. Card names are an important and central concept of MoStacks, further explained in the chapter Card Names. As detailed in chapter Names, you can choose any name of reasonable length, but not an empty name. Best use unique names for all cards within a stack.

Insert position: For new cards to create, specify the insert position within the order of the cards of the stack. The options are:

Note that with a background that has the Keep cards sorted? flag set you cannot specify an insert position because MoStacks will decide automatically where the new card belongs, according to the sort key used for the background. Once created, you still can move a card around, with the help of buttons in the Card List view.

Font: Specify the font for the card, the third-level font in the four-level hierarchy. If no field in the background has a font configured, you can change the font of all fields on the card together by just switching this font here. The button leads to the Select Font window. Read about fonts on UIQ3 in general in the chapter UIQ3 Fonts.

Color: The color selected at the card level will become the color of the background (i.e. the empty space not covered by fields and controls) of that card. It will thus override any color specified at the stack or the background level. The button opens the standard Windows color selection dialog.

Info: As display only, the following info about the card is shown:

Note the difference: Modification date only cares about values (you could say it tracks "real" modifications/changes on the card), whereas Changed? also goes to true if you change something about the card itself, e.g. its font.

Fields and values: A list of all the fields and controls on the card, as defined by its background, and their current values (as far as they can be shown as one line of simple text). This list can be useful e.g. for debugging scripts as it shows also values of fields that are invisible. Double-clicking an entry opens the Edit Fields and Controls window and selects the corresponding field or control.

The window has the following buttons:

New: Switch the mode to "create", as a preparation to create a new card.

Help: Display this help page.

Script: Open the Edit Script window to edit card scripts. Given the current state of implementation of MoStacks' script engine, at card level you will most probably want to implement a script that runs whenever you switch to the card, reacting to the on openCard message, as explained in chapter Scripting: Messages.

Delete: After confirmation, delete the current card.

Create: Create a new card, based on the info that you specified.

Modify: Save the modifications. Just changing anything in this window but not clicking the Modify button has no effect; to discard changes, just close the window and re-open it.