Edit Stack Window

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With the Edit Stack window you can view and change all the information about the stack as a whole, i.e. the stack as the topmost level of the four-level hierarchy of MoStacks.

The window has the following frames with controls and fields to display and/or change various aspects of the stack:

Backgrounds: The list on the left shows all backgrounds of the stack. Double-clicking an entry opens the Edit Backgrounds window.

Description: Here you can enter any description that will later help you to identify the purpose of the stack, or the meaning of its content. You can view this as a kind of notepad for the stack as a whole.

Font: Specify the font for the stack as a whole, the top-most font in the four-level hierarchy and thus the most "influential". If no other element in the stack has a font configured, you can change the font of pretty much everything in the whole stack by just switching this font here. The button leads to the Select Font window. Read about fonts on UIQ3 in general in the chapter UIQ3 Fonts.

List Font: Specify the font used for the card list. This is, at least so far, the only font that stands outside the hierarchy. More about fonts see paragraph Font above.

Flags: Stacks as a whole have the following flags:

Color: The color selected at the stack level will become the color of the background (i.e. the empty space not covered by fields and controls) of every card that does not yet have a color specified (either directly or through its background). The button opens the standard Windows color selection dialog.

Filename: Display of the filename of the stack. This info is read-only; changing the filename of a stack means saving it into another file, so use the Save as command in the Stack menu to do so. You can of course also use external means like the Windows Explorer to rename stack files (when MoStacks is not running, or at least when the stack is not currently open in MoStacks.)

The window has the following buttons that work on the stack as a whole:

Help: Display this help page.

Script: Open the Edit Script window to edit stack scripts.

Modify: Save the modifications. Just changing anything in this window but not clicking the Modify button has no effect; to discard changes, just close the window and re-open it.