
List is one of the basic field/control types supported by MoStacks. Together with the wiki variant of text fields they are the most powerful and most versatile fields in MoStacks.

A List field can stand alone and is then represented as a listbox on a card. It can have several columns, with column headers indicating the contents of the columns. With a single, large List field a card can look very similar to the general card list view.

As a second use case, a list can be joined with a Text field to form a combo box. In this case it has no representation on the card of its own, but "lives" inside the dropdown box of the combo. You find more about them in chapter Combo Boxes.

There are List fields that show arbitrary lines with no further meaning as far as MoStacks is concerned, and card lists that, as their name already tells, list cards. Currently only card lists support columns. You find details about them in chapter Card Lists.

You cannot directly set the value of a List field: There is no interactive way to input or modify the list at runtime.

For a conventional, textual list, you set the list as the default value on the Edit Controls and Fields windows. For doing so, the field for the default value is configured to accept line breaks - just press the Return key to enter one. The resulting list will show an entry for every text line that you give here.

The value of a card list is managed automatically by MoStacks, according to the configuring parameters, most important the background of the cards to list.